But anyways, it's pilot season! Woo! Metaphorical confetti! So far there are a handful of new shows that have piqued my interest. I've checked 'em out and been (mostly) pleased, although there are definitely a few clunkers.
The Lying Game / grade: D
I've already discussed my disappointment with this show, mostly because I am such a fan of the books. Other than there being two identical twin sisters? Literally, you guys nothing is the same. It's an entirely different story. Entirely. I don't even know why they bothered to pay Sara Shepard for the rights to her series, considering nothing about it is pulled from the books. But still, I thought, maybe it will be good on its own. After all, the Gossip Girls book series is horrid and the show is pretty entertaining. Wrong! The Lying Game still sucks. Cheesy, over-acted, unrealistic melodrama that isn't even all that interesting. Trust me, just read the books.
2 Broke Girls / grade: B-
I adore Kat Dennings. I could watch her in just about anything. Luckily, 2 Broke Girls isn't just anything. It's actually pretty funny! It's quirky, it's witty and yeah sometimes it's trying too hard with the snarky one-liners. But I'll forgive that in a pilot. Pilots are almost always awful, you know? They can't all be Lost. I remember one time I showed my roommate the first episode of Bones, hoping to get her into the show and realized in horror...the Bones pilot is embarrassingly bad. I mean pitifully bad! She looked at me like, you have to be effing kidding me. Whoops. My point is, pilots can try too hard sometimes. But Kat Dennings is sharp and Beth Behrs as her broke counterpart shows promise. I'm definitely giving this one a chance.
Whitney / grade: C-
Considering this show's star and creator are Whitney Cummings, who has been featured on Punk'd and Chelsea Lately - not to mention she is co-creator of 2 Broke Girls - I expected this show to be kind of, ya know. Hilarious. And parts of it are! It's just...ugh. I have no idea why, but they've chosen to shoot this show old-school style, with a multi-camera format and a live studio audience. You guys, it's so distracting and cheesy. 2 Broke Girls also has a studio audience (or a laugh track, I'm not sure) and they are always annoying, but for some reason on Whitney I found it to be horribly overused. It's like 30 straight minutes of line delivery/pause/laughter/funny expression. And I don't know why! Because the writing? The actual written jokes? They're good. Laugh out loud funny, even. But unfortunately, the format of the show really detracts from that.
Revenge / grade: C+
I just read that this show is based loosely on the Alexandre Dumas novel The Count of Monte Cristo, which is kind of interesting. I suppose that makes sense, considering it's about a girl who comes back to her home town to get revenge on everyone who destroyed her life. I am assuming there will be fewer sword fights, but who knows? Anyway, this show is not very good, in terms of actual good television. Like, the acting is mostly shit and it's super draaaaaaah-mah, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. I am filing Revenge under the "possible guilty pleasure" category. The good news is the plot is quite intriguing. The bad news is that Emily Vancamp still cannot act worth shit. Her vapid, empty eyes, you guys. My God, why is she in the lead role? But if you can tolerate Blake Lively's dead-inside line delivery on Gossip Girl, then Revenge might be something new and fun for you to get addicted to.
Ringer / grade: A-
I admit, I am biased. I am a Buffy the Vampire Slayer super fan. I have the really fancy DVD box set. I do a full seven-season re-watch almost every year. Even season four, when it was really, really bad. Yes, I know, I am a huge fucking dork. Whatever. This show has Buffy! I mean Sarah Michelle Gellar, playing two sisters who both have a lot of secrets. So far, it's pretty interesting (though surprisingly low budget) and I am terribly excited to see where it's going. I love SMG, you guys. I just do. I also love shows with lots of secrets and slowly unfolding plot lines and this one seems to be right up there with Pretty Little Liars. A good mystery needs a slow burn and this one just might give it (plus, it's Buffy, you guys).
Up All Night/ grade: B+
Will Arnett, Christina Applegate and Maya Rudolph? Oh, hell yeah. This show's plot is pretty trite - new parents adjusting to having to become responsible adults and finally leave their carefree 20s behind them - but because it's edgy and well written, it works. Will Arnett, who is usually so over the top, is much more toned down in this role and that's a good thing. Gob Bluth would not work on this show (but oh, Arrested Development, how I miss thee! It's an illusion, Michael!). The real star is Maya Rudolph, playing an Oprah-esque character and she is fucking hysterical. I read that after the success of Bridesmaids, they amped up her character's role and that was an excellent idea. Chica is fun-ny! This one is a definite to check out.
The New Girl / grade: A
I really want to hate Zooey Deschanel. I really do. She's smart, beautiful, funny, a great actor in both dramatic and comedic roles, she is in a rock band, she co-runs Hello Giggles (one of my favorite websites) and she's married to Ben fucking Gibbard for Christ's sake. All girls should hate her, right? But she's just so. Damn. Adorable. I can't help it! I love her! I shall shout it from the rooftops, I love me some Zooey Deschanel! The New Girl is clever, full of pop culture references and little quirks that are aimed right at late 20s/early 30-somethings. It's hip, it's fun and I barely stopped laughing the entire time. Her male co-stars are pretty hilarious too - especially Damon Wayans, Jr. (who is also on Happy Endings, which you should all be watching!). So fine, Zooey Deschanel. I love you and I love The New Girl. Are you happy? Of course you are. You're Zooey Deschanel.