Let's Celebrate Banned Books Week By Reading Something Awesome

We all know to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye, but new books are being published all the time that are banned. Book banning? Is fucking lame. In a world where we make icons of Jersey Shore stars and plaster teen moms on magazine covers, we're banning books? Seriously? I highly encourage you to take a look at the list of recently banned books and the overall banned book database and read a few, if you haven't already. I mean, The Great Gatsby? Really? You've got to be kidding me.

One to really look out for this year is Suzanne Collins' enthralling Hunger Games trilogy, which I lost sleep over for nearly three days. My best friend was in surgery and I didn't go to the hospital until I finished reading it. Seriously. It's that good. Amazon is having a sale where you can download the entire trilogy for less than $20 to your Kindle and Nook is offering the same deal. Or, just go buy them. They're worth having and they are definitely worth a read. I cannot wait for the movie and I hope it does a fraction of the justice these incredible books deserve. And for all you snobs out there who refuse to read YA books? Get over yourself. Young Adult novels are the basis for more than half of our popular movies and television shows right now, so maybe give it a chance. It's better than the Da Vinci Code, that's for effing sure. I tried to read that drivel no less than three times before I gave up. And once, I was on a train from Scotland to England, where shit is really boring. It still couldn't hold my attention. Whereas the Hunger Games had to be pried from my cold, dead hands if I didn't finish.

I think that's enough of an endorsement. If you haven't read them yet, do so. You're missing out. And besides, most banned things are awesome, right? That's why they are banned. They are interesting. They are provocative and push boundaries. And they are pretty fucking great. So, read, people. And then pass this along.

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