Forget Andrew Luck, How About..............

Offensive Lineman Matt Kalil, Running Back Trent
Richardson, or maybe even a nice Wide Receiver
like Justin Blackmon. You see these are just a
few names I plucked off the board that may still
be available when the Colts make their pick in
the 2012 NFL Draft, and since it's become more
and more likely that Indy will be in no real
position to compete for anything if Manning comes
back at any point this year, why rush him back?
Heck, the Colts offered him $20Mil per year and
he insisted on 18Mil, so they are already ahead
of the game there. A year off could totally do
a guy like Peyton a ton of could and probably even
rejuvenate him. So why not give him a nice shiny
new stud offensive weapon to use to win you another
Championship. It's why he took less to begin with,
he wanted the Colts to stay competitive.

Let's face it, Manning has four more years left on
his deal after this, and unless things go radically
wrong with his health and he can't return, Peyton
will finish out this deal. So do you want Andrew
Luck to sit on the bench for FOUR years? I mean
One, Two, maybe, but Four? And don't give me the
Aaron Rodgers scenario either, that wasn't planned.
If he falls in your lap, trade the pick for a gold
mine. If he's off the board, get Payton a toy,
and watch him bring Indy another trophy, because
there have been plenty of can't miss players like
Luck that miss, and at least you know what you have
in Manning.

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