The Glee Project is a show, for those not following at home, where a lot of young hopeful triple-threats compete in a reality show to win a seven-episode arc on Glee. Now yes, this is obviously a huge publicity ploy. It is also, obviously, massive laziness on the part of the casting director and Ryan Murphy himself, who would rather pick a kid out from a lineup and write a character around them than, say, I dunno, write a script and then invite actors to audition for the pre-written role. But hey, whatever.
Anyway, the most recent challenge on The Glee Project was “Sexuality,” where the remaining contestants had to writhe awkwardly against each other while singing Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” before pairing up to beat Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” just a little bit farther into our skulls. Generally speaking, it didn’t go as poorly as expected. Most of these kids are actually quite talented and with the small exception of a few key problems (Katy Perry’s auto-tuned falsetto is pretty high, after all) it went well.
Except for poor Cameron. Cameron is a cute, bespeckled Christian boy from Texas who just ain’t too keen on touching up on the females. See, he has a girlfriend back home, plus his mama and God are watching, so you know. He didn’t like this challenge too much. He refuses to kiss his partner and fumbles like, ahem, a virgin through the entire thing. Later, he says he’s glad he stuck to his guns, despite the fact that said guns didn’t seem to realize he was in a theater competition.
Ryan Murphy initially lets Cameron have it, questioning how he’s expected to be on a popular television show when he refuses to participate in on-screen romance. Poor Christian Cameron breaks down, essentially quitting the show. Ryan Murphy, instead of slapping him on the ass and sending him back to church to confess the Bad Touch, begs him to stay. But alas, Cameron just isn’t cut out for like, acting. Acting is really hard because you have to like, be something that isn’t exactly one hundred percent like yourself. And that’s just. Not. Christian. So, goodbye, Cameron. Perhaps there is a passion play out there for you.