Anyway, tonight the four finalists are coached by Mr. Ryan Murphy himself as their special guest. I have to say, it's odd that we went all season without one appearance by Chris Colfer, Lea Michele or Cory Monteith. But hey, whatever. After their homework assignment of Pink's "Raise Your Glass"
I don't have any spoilers beyond these song choices, but here's my take on the situation:
Alex is the best singer. He is emotional, he hits every note to perfection, and he can belt out a line in a way that would put Aretha Franklin to shame. But he will not win. Why? There is no place for him on the show. As I've said before, we already have a sassy black Diva in Mercedes, and with the casting news about her boyfriend in season three, I think Ryan Murphy's African American diversity card will be full.
Lindsay...boy, I am iffy about Lindsay. If Lea Michele actually does move on from Glee, I think Lindsay could pretty much be guaranteed to fill her spot. She sings well, she can act, and does that hopeful doe-eyed thing very, very well. But...she's also a complete phony and is utterly dislikable. And unlike most actors, who we only hear rumors about, the fans' opinion of Lindsay has already been infected by her snotty behavior on this reality TV show. So, I'm not sure. Ryan Murphy doesn't even seem to like her very much. It must be because she's so pretty. She's mentioned how hard that is for her sometimes.
Samuel is my personal pick as winner. I think he's unique, good looking, talented and a decent actor. He is unlike any of the current characters on Glee and offers so much potential for an interesting new role. Ryan could take the Christian angle he so desperately wants to explore, but he could also just be the broody, soulful new guy who loves to sing. Anything is possible with Samuel.
And then there is Damian. Guys, Damian baffles me. He's not a good singer. When coached to play a character, he chokes. His dancing looks...well, like a goofy Irish kid trying to dance. He's a bit stuck in a role, since he has that cute/awkward thing happening and also a very thick accent. There's potential, I guess, but ultimately he's completely uninteresting to me. Undoubtedly, this means he will win, because Ryan Murphy always does the exact opposite of what I think. Let's just hope his seven-episode arc isn't full of horrible group renditions of "Danny Boy."
Anyway, whatever. Team Samuel! Here's a sneak for tonight's finale: