Wednesday’s performance show was the last before the finale and I didn’t really see any surprises. It’s been clear from the start that Sasha and Melanie will be our final two girls, because they kick an exorbitant amount of ass. I mean, did you see this? Even if you did, stop reading and watch it again:
I mean. WHAT. Yeah.
As for our final two guys, I think it could be a toss-up. My personal faves are Tadd and Ricky, but Marko is just as strong.
Poor Caitlynn. You know what the saddest part about Caitlynn is? I had to look up her name. Just now, while writing this blog entry. And not like, how to spell it. I literally did not know what her name was. At this point in the competition, I still cannot remember her name. Yeah.
Something I won’t soon forget, though? Waacking. What the hell is waacking? According to Wikipedia, everyone’s favorite source of half-truths, “The Waacking style of street dance traces its roots back to gay and nightclub cultures”. The article goes on to explain that it’s like disco, but with lots of arms and stuff. And it mostly originates from Black, Latino and gay communities.
Well…alright. I am certainly no expert in dance, but isn’t that, um, jazz? With some weird cultural bias? Whatever. All I could think of was Whacking Day, where all the citizens of Springfield let snakes loose and whack them with bats. That would have been a much cooler dance, if you ask me.
Happy Waacking Day, everyone!