All The Right Moves? Well, Sometimes

Nowadays it's quite common to take shots at Al Davis
in the media, and truth be told, most that do are either
looking to fill some news space or too young to remember
that along with the likes of Dan Rooney, Wellington Mara,
George Halas, etc. of the world he is as much responsible
for the Multi Billion Dollar success of the NFL as they
are in many regards. You could also say that there were
times where he seemed to be a detriment to the league as
well, but what powerful league figure hasn't been accused
of that?

Saturday's game between the embarrassingly playoff bound 7-9
Seattle Seahawks and the defending Super Bowl Champion New
Orleans Saints was just one more example as to how many
things, be it in the NFL or life itself are interconnected.
Pete Carrol did Al Davis a favor that day. One that Davis
did want, need, or even ask for, but nonetheless he did.
Al has been taking a bit of flack from Raider fans and non
Raider fans alike for his decision not to renew the contract
of Tom Cable his head coach for the past 2 1/2 years.
I too thought this was a mistake, and in a small way have a
hard time admitting that it still might not be a mistake,
but after that debacle that was a title defense of sorts by
those miserable Saints, something Al said after the Raiders
finished their 2010 season with a victory came to mind.
He was asked if he thought their 8-8 record was an improvement
from recent seasons past (I'm paraphrasing here). His response
seemed harsh at the time, but made sense if your an owner that
wants to put a winner on the field. He said " If that's
the world you live in"
. At the time I kind of took it as
a snappy type of remark, but you see, his job or desire if you
wish is to win another Championship, not to make friends,
I'm sure he already has too many of those. If Pete Carrol
can take his 7-9 rag tag bunch into the playoffs and get one
step closer to a championship, one that would be an embarrassment
might I add, then why shouldn't he expect the same out of his
team and his coach? I'm sure that one of things that probably
annoyed Davis, even though the decision was made well before that
game was the fact that his Raiders had defeated those very same
Seahawks 33-3 this very season, and that the Raiders 8-8 mark,
though not good enough in his mind was still better than theirs.

Those who choose too criticize Al's football decisions should keep
in mind his many accomplishments as well. Under the watch of
Al Davis the Raiders have won more Super Bowl games than 43%
of NFL Teams combined, and they have appeared in at least one
Super Bowl game in every decade excluding this one so far.
I could bore you by going on and on with this, but I won't.
I will however speak to those that choose to say that it's time
for Grandpa Al to move over and let someone else take over the
franchise. Probably the same folks that would be quick to find
a spot for their parents or grandparents in the nearest nursing
home the minute they became useless to their needs. We live in
a what have you done for me a second ago society, but should
realize that we will be in that position sooner or later as well,
and we may not want to be judged so quickly or harshly when it's
our turn. Don't like that argument? Well how about this then?
It's his team, he can do as he wishes, even if it means not
thanking Pete Carrol for a favor he didn't ask for.

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