What are you talking about?


Since you and I spent our last several posts talking (and disagreeing) about talent and behavior, I thought it might be interesting to spend a little time considering definitions. In the fields of human resources, recruiting, talent management, and leadership and organizational development there is a great deal of conversation and thinking about talent, competence and performance. While certainly important topics I generally feel like the discussion is a little sloppy and I think that my feeling has a lot to do with definitions.

I think that:
a) we talk about these things as if we are all using the same definitions (which I think is inaccurate)
b) we talk about these things as if they were far more tangible than they actually are


Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong, but either way it might be valuable to spend some time collecting definitions. I did this a little bit on Twitter last week and got some interesting responses. So, lets open it up...


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