Pregnant on Prozac, Dr. Shoshana Bennett's latest book and a must-read!!!

I'm thrilled to announce a new book, "Pregnant on Prozac" by Dr. Shoshana Bennett, nationally renowned Postpartum Depression expert and past president of Postpartum Support International.  This new ground-breaking book will be released in January, 2009, and I personally can't wait to see it on book store shelves around the country.

I've written more than one post here on the issue of taking anti-depressants while pregnant and breastfeeding, and found out quickly that not only is it extremely controversial, but there are so many unanswered questions that continue to surround this issue.  And moms, as well as experts, end up lining up on opposite sides as we try to muddle through the confusion.

Well, now, thanks to Shoshana, there's finally a book that cuts through the fog and answers integral questions such as: Does the media exaggerate risks?  What of options such as tapering the dose? Most importantly, this book empowers each woman with the knowledge to make THE BEST decision for her and her family.  "Pregnant on Prozac" is for any prospective mother who has experienced depression or anxiety as well as anyone with a friend or loved one in this situation.  It's the first guide to separate the myths from the facts, and clearly spells out not only the possible risks of anti-depressant use (whether it be Prozac, Wellbutrin, or any of the other drugs), but also the lesser-known yet serious risks to both fetus and mother from untreated depression.  In the book, Shoshana also discusses natural treatment methods, which I believe is so very helpful and important, and haven't seen elsewhere.

The only problem now is waiting till January to scoop copies of this book off the shelves to give to every obstetrician and pregnant woman I know.....

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