This is a repost of the one I did back in February this year. Steve was one of the first people I looked at on my blog and from seeing his chart, I always thought that he would struggle to get through to 2012. Very unfortunately, my fears for him at the time have proved to be right, and cancer finally got the better of him. He passed away just as Saturn was starting to square his natal Venus opposition to Jupiter and Uranus. At the same time, transiting Uranus was square his nodal axis and transiting Pluto was approaching his North Node. Pluto signifies transformation, and in death I suspect that Steve will in time be put up there on a pedestal with some of the scientific and creative greats of the last 100 years. He is already being compared to Edison and Einstein, which is high, high praise indeed. Steve’s genius and vision of technological beauty will without doubt be sorely missed.
***Posted originally 24th February 2011***
Today, 24th February is the birthday of Steve Jobs, one of the electronic and creative pioneers of our age. Having worked with Atari, Lucasfilm, Pixar, Disney & Apple, Steve is blessed with creative ideas and a no-nonsense business sense, but in recent years has been cursed with ill health.
Steve is a Sun sign Pisces in the sixth house. Quite basically here is a creator in his everyday life, all that creative energy is up-front, out there for all to see, from the Apple Mac, to the I-pad, from designing computer chips to overseeing Toy Story. All that creativity is technology based with Uranus which is conjunct Jupiter in the 10th house of public projection and career. There is a cardinal cross configuration from the Uranus Jupiter conjunction in a clockwise direction connecting Mars, Venus and Neptune. All those creative ideas MUST come out, pushing forward the use of technology in a BIG way for everyday use. Also feeding into that Uranus/Jupiter conjunction is a T-Square configuration, Mars in the big business orientated 8th opposes Neptune in imaginative position in the 2nd house (also concerned with money and personal finance), square this 10th house combination. There is business like energy and creative dreams driven into this technological fulcrum. All this energy is perfected into beautiful form, with an opposition to Venus in work based Capricorn (there is business stamped all over this chart) in the 4th house. Venus is always looking for the ideal form – notice how the I-pod and I-phone were not only way ahead technologically, but also fantastic to look at.
Steve’s was a clever and innovative thinker, Mercury trine the Midheaven shows great invention in a work sense and it is put to good use in a administrative way square to Saturn in the 3th house. Notice how Steve was the face of Apple, Saturn sitting in the 3rd house of communication and his Midheaven was in communicative Gemini. He was always there to give out the news about any new product. That Saturn in turn trines back to the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction, his energy is focused on the business of creative technology and squares Pluto just into the 12th – here is a powerful, controlling man and a fierce enemy if you were to cross him. Saturn is in secretive Scorpio and Apple has always been run in a very controlled manner, it likes to guard it’s creative ideas and patents with zeal. Going back to Mercury, interestingly it is in the 5th house, so the ideas he had he was always prepared to take a risk on. He would have loved any type of intellectual puzzle or conundrum to challenge his considerable mental skills . Steve’s Moon was in go ahead Aries, so this was a man not without a bit of a temper and his Virgo ascendant would have made him critical, a perfectionist, someone technically adept. A worrier also I would have bet.
From Summer 2004, Steve was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Whenever I have looked at charts where people have had health problems maybe earlier than they should, quite often the 6th house is emphasised. Steve’s Piscean Sun in the 6th house is quindecile the Virgo Ascendant so there was always going to be a focus on his health throughout his life. Quindeciles I find are like an opposition, but even more concentrated and potentially more disruptive. Virgo and Pisces I always see as the health axis on a chart. Now Jupiter (through it’s association with Sagittarius) traditionally rules the Pancreas. You can see a lot of pressure on that Uranus/Jupiter conjunction, especially being weakened by the square from Neptune and Mars. Uranus and Jupiter are both retrograde, so the energy does not work as it should & Uranus always causes disruption wherever it is found.
In July/Aug/Sept 2004, transiting Saturn hit that Jupiter/Uranus conjunction weakening that part of the chart. From that point, Steve’s health was always a concern. In 2009 Steve had a liver transplant. Mercury rules the liver and as I mentioned earlier is square Saturn; there was inherent weakness in this area too from birth. Transiting Saturn at that point was conjunct Steve’s Ascendant also hitting by aspect that Saturn and indirectly Mercury, as wall as Uranus, Jupiter, the Midheaven, Mars, the Moon, the Sun and Venus. No wonder her was really ill at that time. This started a new chapter in Steve’s life as Saturn moved through the 12th house and into into the first house, a time traditionally when people tend to move out of the spotlight for while. Late in 2011, Saturn squares Jupiter and Uranus again. That is bound to be a difficult time for him. I wish him well…