How to Make Hash Brownies?

Marijuana Hash Brownie Recipe

Hash Brownies
 welcome to the marijuana at Ronnie's recipe ingredients and cooking steps let's have some fun. brownies are very easy to make with a small cooking skill anyone can pick up a box of brownie mix and start doing it. Our directions are simple to follow and you will be able to create some tasty and powerful hash brownies with THC infused into them.  the brownies  we teach you to make will be soft and easy to make. in the main thing when making these is gitting the hash oil that's a whole different topic but  you can search hash oil in google  and figure out how to get it, or make it yourself. To get started all you will need is the ingredients listed below.

Hash Brownie Ingredients 
  • Brownie Mix 
  • Canna Butter
  • Hash Oil 
  • At least 4 Eggs
  • Milk
  • Chocolate Syrup
  • Almonds
 me as our issue of the things that I used when I make my hash brownies. Almonds and chocolate syrup are not  needed unless you want your brownies to taste better and sweeter. you may not have to used four eggs  depending on how many brownies you are making.  for more information on making the actual brownies look on the back of your brownie mix box.
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Hash Brownie Cooking Steps
1/2 lb butter, 1 c sugar, 1/4 c water and 1 tb...Image via Wikipedia follow my hash brownie cooking steps and I will give you the tips you need when you're going to be a  cooking something as advanced  as these. if you're still wondering about  the canna butter and Hash oil  all you need to do is put water in a pot with some real butter ( not margarine ) then put some weed in the boiling water and butter and let that boil for about 1 hour slowly. then  drain water into a bowl le
t it cool then get the butter off the water. that was directions to make canna butter now this is how you make the brownies.

  • Put brownie mix in bowl
  • add all the ingredients needed
  • stir up the ingredients( 4 mins then let sit , stir for 8 more mins so it can be smooth good)
  • empty every thing into pan
  • set your oven to 350 degrees
  • cook for about 20 mins or less
  • Tune these directions to the back of you brownie box
Remove your brownies from the oven and  let them cool for about 7 mins. Dont eat more then one at a time they can you very high. try a little corner wait 40 mins for effects. Enjoy!

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