MTV Makes Me Smile All Day By Bringing Back 120 Minutes

Yesterday, I wore a baby doll dress and black knee-high combat-style boots to work. Why do I tell you this? Because the 1990s, they are back, my friends. And they are back with a vengeance.

I've already mentioned a couple of other recent 90s revivals, but perhaps the best one I've heard lately is that MTV is bringing back music. Yes, music, straight onto a channel whose acronym stands for "Music Television." What?! Crazy, I know. More specifically, they are resurrecting 120 Minutes, complete with badass host Matt Pinfield.  This? This is amazing news, people.

Music fans - and not just the bitter ones from my generation - should be rejoicing. MTV brought music into my life. I remember being six years old, sneaking the MTV Countdown with my older siblings before bed. That's how I met my first love, Jon Bon Jovi. But more importantly, it's why I started to love music. This is the channel that essentially catapulted musician after musician into the limelight: Madonna to The Beastie Boys, Nirvana to Pearl Jam, all the way to Britney Spears and 'N Sync. Considering now most people hold them responsible for Snooki, Speidi and a bunch of white trash teen moms, I think it's about damn time we got some music back.

Matt Pinfield told MTV News, "I got a text recently from Patrick [Carney] from the Black Keys, and he said, 'I just want you to know how much "120 Minutes" and you turning me on to so many great bands changed my life. It was an amazing, heartfelt text. And that kind of stuff just blows me away. It makes me feel so good about it."  Well, shucks.  I missed you, Matt Pinfield, and I can't wait for your return.

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