Just about a week ago, my least favorite small-screen writer Ryan Murphy announced (to the surprise of the actors themselves) that Lea Michele, Chris Colfer and Cory Monteith would be graduating and not returning to Glee
after this season. Bitter fans wept. Angry tweets tweeted. Monteith called his agent to ask what the fuck. It was a big crazy mess, as casting announcements go.
Now, Glee exec-producer Brad Falchuk completely one-eightied this, stating at Comic Con
Sunday that just “because they’re graduating doesn’t mean they’re leaving the show.” Except…that’s what you said was happening. So, confusing, yes. He went on to say that, “If you have Lea Michele under contract, you don't say, 'We're gonna let you go.'"
Except...well, they basically did just that to Chord Overstreet (who, in a bold move, decided to brave a post-Glee world without agreeing to a recurring guest role). So, I guess they really want Rachel Barry around for sad nostalgic duets with Will Schuester (or perhaps revisiting Kurt and Blaine, who have run off to New York to get gay married?) but Sam...alas, Sam. No one will ever see you again.