New Year Reading


Happy New Year! Thanks for the great book recommendations. I too have a few books to recommend.

All good Talent Anarchists are on a journey of personal development and discovery. So, as we enter 2010, I thought I'd recommend some of the best books for developing yourself personally and professionally.

1. Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott.

For my money, this is the best and most complete book of professional development you can buy. Susan Scott tackles everything from leadership to communication. It's a book that is very engaging to read but also leaves you with hands on exercises to complete for those are really serious about their own development. I've read this book three times and I learn new things each time.

The Friebergs offer up some important issues for us to think about in regards to our career and how we approach our work. I was skeptical when i originally picked up this book, but found that it provided me with a lot to think about. Among my favorite ideas in this book is their definition of congruence as it relates to our careers.

Last but not least is this classic book by Richard Bolles. I have recommended this book to dozens of people throughout my career. Besides being a good resource for those who are job hunting, it's the perfect handbook for those who find themselves stuck in a career that isn't lighting their fire. Year's ago, when I was at a transition point in my career, the process outlined in this book helped me find clarity in terms of what I wanted to do with my career. It is, hands down, the best career book on the market. If it's time for you or someone you know to make a change in their career, buy this book.

With that, I wish you a very Happy New Year and an awesome 2010.

Talk to you next year.


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