Biking their asses off?
Hey man.
Okay, so enough on crowdsourcing for now. I think the key point is that we agree there is some real potential there. I have a feeling that we will visit this issue again.
On to the really important stuff. I will be joining you for day one of the Registers Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) on July 19th and I have also been trying to make sure that I am shape enough to survive it. I have not been able to bring myself to buy any of those biking shorts yet, but I may break down. I have a mild aversion to any type of clothing that is that tight.
But I will be wearing something. Naked biking seems more appropriate for shorter trips.
See you at the jump off in 16 days, 13 hours, 15 minutes and 27 seconds. In the meantime there is a lot of really great info about the weeklong ride at Ragbrai.com.