Brenda Walsh Graduates

This makes me want to pull out my West Beverly yearbook and remember the time that Brenda talked Emily Valentine from burning down the float! Or when Brenda told Kelly and Dylan to f*ck off out of her life! This is amazing! Shannen Doherty is in talks to appear on the 90210 sequel!

Shannen, smart as a whip and totally aware of her how valuable she is to this venture, is reportedly holding out for more money and to see what the story is going to be.

All the story needs to be is her calling Jennie Garth a whore.

Even Kelly Taylor realizes that this dumbass sequel needs some Brenda Walsh bitchery in the mix. Despite the fact that these two were like cats and dogs back in the day, Garth is accepting of Brenda's shrill ass being back in the mix.

"A lot of time has passed, and I'm a big girl. I'd have no problem with her coming on the show," she says.

When is this on? I'm camping out.

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