Kardashian Style

Kim Kardashian is in the news again today, and it’s not because of her giant ass - but because she might be a giant ass. Singer Brandy’s mother Sonja Norwood has sued Kim, after she allegedly racked up over $120,000 of charges on Norwood’s AMEX. Apparently Kim was Brandy’s stylist in 2004 (wait, what? She’s a stylist?) and Norwood gave her the credit card to make one purchase for her daughter. But Kim supposedly passed on the number to her sisters, and the trio used it for $62,793.83 worth of purchases in 2006 and $57,841.82 in 2007. For those of you without calculators, that puts the final tally at $120,635.82. The Kardashian sisters even apparently spent thousands at their own (horribly named) boutiques, Dash and Smooch.

Kim also once dated Brandy’s brother Ray-J - her partner in that sex tape that she loves to hate on - which may have also rubbed Mama Norwood the wrong way. And why wouldn’t she just cancel the card after she noticed over $60,000 worth of charges on the thing?! Honestly, we’re glad that she didn’t, because we can’t wait to see this play out in front of a judge. How is Kim going to afford the sexy outfits she’ll need for court without that Norwood cash flow?

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